
When you let others define your brand,
you’re leaving your business destiny to chance.

You’re probably wondering how you could make a living doing what you really love. You’ve heard advice from different “gurus” but don’t know exactly know how or where to start. I know, I’ve been there myself!

After running and growing my own coaching and consulting business since 2010 as a solopreneur, I’ve experienced, in many ways, what works to get started and create a steady flow of clients and what doesn’t.

Being both a professional coach and consultant has allowed me to help hundreds of clients get unstuck to finally start getting the results they want in their businesses.

Why leave it to chance? Running your business relying on word of mouth is basically, taking a leap of faith. It’s time to get you on the right path to attract the right people and turn your passion into a profitable business.

Conviértete en el Portavoz de tu Marca

Dar presentaciones efectivas y hablar en público no es un lujo o un “plus” para…

¡A romper y desenmascarar los mitos!

Un mito puede ser una persona o cosa a la que se atribuyen cualidades o…

9 Ideas para Aprovechar NaNoWriMo para Fortalecer tu Marca 

Si no eres escritor(a) de novelas, como yo, puedes aprovechar NaNoWriMo para fortalecer tu marca a través del desarrollo continuo y constante de contenido de valor durante el mes de noviembre. De esta forma, crearás contenido más que suficiente que podrás utilizar durante los próximos meses. Aquí te comparto algunas ideas para aprovechar el NaNoWriMo.